A ACCOMMODATION? Any place that provides lodging for guest during travel. Accommodation types ranges from, Resor...
A ACCOMMODATION? Any place that provides lodging for guest during travel. Accommodation types ranges from, Resorts, to hotels, to vacation rentals. ACTIVITY PROVIDER? A person or company present at a destination that provides a variety of activities for tourists to participate in while on vacation. A few examples are Kayaking, biking, hiking, snorkeling etc. ADD-ON? The optional product or services available for travellers to add to their packages when booking a vacation. Tra...
N NATURAL ATTRACTION A tourist attraction is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure, adventure and amusement. NATURE CRUISE? A tourist activity that takes visitors by boat to view natural sights, such as waterfalls, lakes, sunsets, rivers and jungle areas. NET RATE? The minimum amount payable to a vendor or tour operator for a product, before any commissi...
A4AAirlines for America AACO Arab Air Carriers Organisation AAPA Association of Asia Pacific Airlines AASA Airline Association of Southern Africa ABTA Association of British Travel Agents ACAC Arab Civil Aviation Commission ACAS Airborne Collision-Avoidance System (ICAO) ACC Airport Consultative Committee (IATA) ACI Airports Council International AEA Association of European Airlines AECMA European...