Travel agents are increasingly becoming targets for those looking to book travel using fraudulent credit cards. As a travel specialist, it is important that you are fully aware of this fact and you take all the steps necessary to ensure that you or your agency does not become a victim of this very unfortunate reality. Even the largest financial institutions in the world cannot make any guarantees when it comes to preventing fraud, but there are certain measures you can take to help minimize your exposure. Here are five useful tips.
1. Use Extended Verification On Payment Gateways
When processing a payment online on a client’s behalf, or when you setup a payment gateway on your website for customer booking, use the extended verification options to validate payment submissions. Ask for CC holder’s name and billing address along with CVV.
2. Ask For ID Verification
If a client uses a credit card to pay for a trip and the credit card is not in the name of any of the people traveling, ask the client to produces ID verification. A scanned copy of the credit card, back, and front, along with a government issued ID of the cardholder, along with a letter signed by the card owner authorizing payment.
3. Pay Attention To Details
It’s one thing to know how to detect a fraudulent booking, but if you do not pay attention to the details, then one may slip through your fingers. Pay close attention to each booking especially the ones that are for last minute bookings. Most fraudulent bookings are made within 72 hours of travel date.
4. Protect Sensitive Information
Do not store your client credit card information anywhere. If credit card details are submitted to you via fax, once the booking is processed, immediately shred the documents containing the payment information. Don’t store client credit card information in any software that you use to manage your business. There are many cases where the people responsible are from the homes of travel agents or from within an agency. You can never be too cautious.
5. Report Any Suspicion Of Fraud
The best way to decrease the number of fraudulent bookings is by helping the authorities catch the criminal. If you suspect that a client is using a stolen credit to make a booking, do not just cancel the booking, immediately call the credit card issuer to report the situation.