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Have more questions? Please contact us!

Q: What if I am in a Contract with a Host Agency ?

A: Host agencies are not allowed to have agents sign an exclusive agreement where you can not work with any other host agency. Reason being, a contract would make you an employee of the agency and therefore the agency would be under different obligations to you as an agent.

Q:Is there any incentives for bringing on referrals?

A: Yes, The Travel net will offer a one time cash incentive for any referrals that decide to work with the Travel net.

Q: What if I make a mistake with a client ?

A: We provide each agent with 2 million of Error & Omissions coverage.

Q: I have an Annual Retreat group, can I add that to my website ?

A: Yes, and we encourage you to do so. You can even make the event public for other agents to sell and you can offer them a negotiated commission for selling it.

Q: What are the different ways I can make money as a Travel Agent ?

A: As a Travel Agent, you can earn money through selling hotels, packages, airfares, trip insurance, car rentals, villas, corporate travel and groups. There is a reason the travel industry is the largest industry in the world, and its because people travel for so many reasons.

Q: How fast can I get started ?

A: As fast as you like. We extend out licensing and industry credentials to you so you can get selling right away. We can do this as you are never in contact with the clients money or the one doing the actual credit card processing. We look after that for you.

Q: I have no experience in being a Travel Agent, can I still join ?

A: Yes, we provide you with the tools you need, and training to help you in becoming a great travel expert. Once you are committed to learning, we are committed to teaching.

Q: If I'm paying the monthly premium, can I cancel at any time?

A: Yes, with a 30 day written notice to the Travelnet admin staff, please add a short note as to how we can make your experience better for next time.

Q: Is my commission being paid on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis?

A: Commissions will be paid on a bi-weekly basis and after the clients have traveled.

Q:Is there any incentives for bringing on referrals?

A: Yes, The Travel net will offer a one time cash incentive for any referrals that decide to work with the Travel net.

Q: What type of incentives are being offered to travel agents?

A:Heavily Discounted Familiarization trips, many travel agent rates and perks being offered with different airlines and hotels.

Q: What if I am already a successful Travel Hero ? Can I negotiate terms of commissions ?

Yes, for any agent that joins our platform and has high sales volumes, we have a few different plans to chose from and you will have a direct conversation with head of our company Sales Manager to determine the perfect plan for you!